AFS Michigan - Winter/Spring 2025

Senior Housing and Care Directory Thinking of Choosing an Assisted Living, Independent Living, Home Care Services or Nursing/Rehabilitation Center? Understand your options, for yourself or a loved one... whether your needs are immediate or for the future, use the preferred resource directory for senior housing and services. With hundreds of detailed listings throughout Southeast Michigan, you can easily view your options by county: • Lapeer • St. Clair • Livingston • Washtenaw • Macomb • Wayne • Monroe • Other Areas • Oakland for Seniors Helping Seniors and Families Since 1992 -+ -%1)0*,/+1 , ,* 1'/% 0 )$ #! ) 1.&(. ++#02 2 1 *12 1( 12%2 &! & 2 2/0 #-2%2.0-2+ /. .0 +&.,0(1+-1.1*&0-/&1&.# $*1*+$,%1+"1(+!-,+!-1 %/&. +1+$)10'0.,+) 0 $/ 0(1 $/'(/- 1%.*1#+(0)-1*0&$)/, 1(0 /&0*1.-(1* .&/+$* . .),#0-,*1 $)1 )+"0**/+-.'1*,.""1.,,0-(1,+1)0*/(0-,1-00(*1(0'/0)/- 1. #./-,0-.-&0")001. .),#0-,1'/"01!/,%1'.$-() 1".&/'/,/0*1+-10.&%1"'++) */,,/- 1.)0.1!/,%1"/)0 '.&01!.' /- 1,)./'*1*+&/.'1.&,/ /,/0*1.-(1*+1#$&% #+)01#. /-01'/"01!/,%1*+1#.- 1.#0-/,/0*1.''1/-1+-01 '.&01,%.,1 +$''1 +1+$,1 0&.$*01 +$1!.-,1,+1-+, 0&.$*01 +$1%.01,+1 .''1,+(. 1"+)1.1,+$) !!!#.)%.#*0-/+)'/ /- &+# '0 -0, 0*0+-",/* 1-"1$- "/*1.+% $&#! .&(. //+2 &$)(2 '& 12%2 1,2 '&*(1,2''*()*,2/00 -2%2- .2# ++-- %/*1/*1,%01 '.&01"+)1*0-/+)*1!%+1.)01 +$- 1.,1%0.),1!%+1!.-,1,+1*,. 1.&,/0 $,1!.-,1&+#"+),. 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" %'2'& &( 12#/+$/ $0 12% *+.)/$ 12,/$$2.-2+). ,212 / 2,.0- "2 2"*! +. %('(&2&( #(,& &( "1 120/*!-02'+*+)22222 12 02'+)22222222222212 +0. +-*!/$2.!- '& &'"2% 2,# &1 12 . 02,/-0 12) 0 0) 0)* ( 12(!-+) % 12 . +02,/-0 12# /-* 0)* 12 0 .-2,/-0 ,% ( &"1 ,% 12,.. # 12 /)0 , 12 0)- 12 ! / 0 '# 12'/0 ' 12 +$$ % 12%* 0- AutumnGreenatMidwayVillage P S Chicago - 3 3795 I 6700S.KeatingAvenue (888) 805-1771 SP1-2 AutumnGreenatWrightCampus P S Chicago - 3 2410 I 4239N.OakParkAvenue (888) 738-0989 SP1-2 BrookdaleLakeShoreDrive 1 Chicago - P 3 I 2960N. LakeShoreDrive (866) 750-4623 2 BrookdaleLakeView Chicago - P 1 2 I 3121N.SheridanRoad (877) 467-7715 CovenantHomeofChicago S Chicago 42 P 3 3710 2720W. FosterAvenue (866) 982-4816 1 GreenviewPlace -Saint LukeRenaissance Chicago 43 P 3 1501W.MelroseAvenue (773) 525-1501 NorwoodCrossing S Chicago - P 3 4500 IZ 6016N.NinaAvenue (844) 377-9910 1-2 TheSelfhelpHome S Chicago 45 P 3 5050 IN 908W.ArgyleStreet (888) 686-6171 1 VictoryCentreofGalewood 47 S Chicago P 3 2370N.NewcastleAve. (773) 295-1571 BC 1 25# VictoryCentreofRoseland 48 S Chicago P 3 10450SouthMichiganAve. (773) 366-8168 BC 1 25# VictoryCentreofSouthChicago 48 S Chicago P 3 P 3251East 92ndStreet (773) 530-1042 BC 1 25# Rates,ServicesandCareChargesSubject toChange (.-* (.-* 0 *2#-0/2 TheGarlandsofBarrington 1 I Barrington - P 3 4900 1000Garlands Lane (888) 447-2104 2 PZ WeinbergCommunity forSeniorLiving:GidwitzPlace P S Deerfield 49 3 Z 1551 LakeCookRoad (847) 374-0500 SP1-2 BrookdaleDesPlaines 1 DesPlaines - P 2 I 800S.RiverRoad (866) 981-3506 2 TheSheridanatTylerCreek S Elgin - P 3+ Z 508NorthMcLeanBlvd. (844) 483-2921 1 ElkGrove AlexianVillageofElkGrove 38 S P 3 Village 975MarthaStreet (847) 378-1361 BC 1 25# ElkGrove ArdenCourtsProMedicaMemoryCare 50 P 1 3 Z Village 1940NergeRoad (847) 534-8815 56 SP 2 Macomb – Oakland – Wayne Livingston – Monroe – Washtenaw & more ORDER ADDITIONAL COPIES – SEE PAGE 78 (888) 533-INFO Senior Living & Services Resource Since 1992 Winter/Spring