AFS Michigan - Summer/Fall 2024

14 Please say “We Found You in Alternatives for Seniors ” , Summer/Fall 2024 Don’t Let Long-Term Care Destroy You If you’re a caregiver, you don’t need the added stress of managing finances, finding long-term care or advocating for your loved one’s health needs. Our experienced elder law attorneys are passionate about helping caregivers anticipate long-term needs without destroying you or your finances. Our expertise is unmatched, especially in the area of elder law. Individually, our attorneys hold (or have held) positions in a variety of professional organizations and have extensive credentials, including: • National Council on Aging • National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys • State Bar of Michigan - Probate & Estate Planning Section Council Member • State Bar of Michigan - Elder Law & Disability Rights Section, Past Chair • Alzheimer’s Association – Greater Michigan Chapter, Immediate Past Chair • Michigan Dementia Coalition • Geriatric Social Workers of Michigan • Reowned legal media resources • Forbes contributors For a free consultation or more information, call 248.641.7070 or visit: