AFS Chicago - Winter Spring 2025

Weinberg Community for Senior Living: Friend Center North/NW AreA 1601 Lake Cook Road • Deerfield, IL 60015 • (847) 374-0500 The Friend Center recognizes the special needs of people living with Alzheimer's disease or other cognitive or memory impairments. The carefully planned atmosphere and well-trained staff help our residents maintain a strong sense of independence and comfort. Amenities include home-like private rooms which can be personalized, three meals a day, life enrichment, social activities and 24-hour nursing care. Respite stays are available. Our professionals understand an individual's evolving needs and are committed to preserving dignity. 40 Please say “We Found You in Alternatives for Seniors ” , Winter/Spring 2025 memory care A lzheimer’s disease is a disorder of the brain that gradually destroys mental capabilities. It is the most common cause of what was formerly called “senility.” The disease is progressive, and at this time there is no known cause or cure. It is estimated that over 4 million middle-aged and older adults in the U.S. are victims of this disease. The Alzheimer’s Association is a voluntary health agency that serves patients and their families. It’s one of over 194 chapters, composed of families, health care professionals, and concerned community leaders that are part of the national Alzheimer’s Association . For more information, please contact the Alzheimer’s Association: 800.272.3900